Grimaylow Plaque at the Chamber of the Holocaust - Mount Zion, Jerusalem

Submitted by Israel Pickholtz

from The Chamber of the Holocaust (Mount Zion, Jerusalem)

The Chamber of the Holocaust is on Mt Zion, near the Tomb of David, just outside the walls of the Old City. It is partially underground and consists mainly of commemorative plaques for communities, but there are also other exhibits. Also one room with a catalogue of anti-Semitic stuff. Very impressive as a memorial. (They also have a collection of Yizkor books, but no facilities to use them.) It was founded by one of the Holocaust survivor organizations, but in time I think they had a problem with maintenance so it is now run by the Diaspora Yeshiva which is located in the upper floor of the same building and in the adjacent area. The Chamber (and the yeshiva) have a web site, which is linked from our "plaque pages." This site has a list of the plaques but no pictures. I received permission to use the photos for JewishGen, providing we stick to a specific formula. I did the translations and took the pictures. Susan King did a video of our visit there.

 In eternal memory

of the holy congregants of
 and surrounding area (Tarnopol District), May G-d avenge them
who were killed, murdereded and destroyed
by the German Nazis
and their collaborators, may their names be blotted out,
on the first day of Shavout 5702.
Their sacred memories will remain with us forever.

TNZB"H (May their souls be bound in life)
Remembered by the remnants of the Grimaylow community in Israel and the Diaspora.

Copyright ©2000 Israel Pickholtz

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