Heller - Scharf - Braunstein Family

submitted by Susana Leistner Bloch


Frima Scharf Braunstein
Daughter of Feige (Heller) and Mendel Scharf
Born 1884 - Perished in the Holocaust

 The photograph was submitted by Susana Leistner Bloch who writes as follows: "Motel ( Marcus / Mordechai) Braunstein and his bride Reisha (Rozia) taken in Suchostaw on their wedding day: It is dated : 8 / X / 1934 so I would assume the wedding was on October 8 1934 - Hebrew date: 29 Tishri 5695. Both died in the Holocaust. Motel was my mother's ( Rebeka Braunstein Leistner) favourite brother. His name lives on in my son."
 The photograph was submitted by Susana Leistner Bloch who writes as follows: "From left to right: My great aunt Sima, who died a few month ago in Washington !!!! Great uncle Avrum, Great aunt Misha, who was buried alive in a pit in Suchostaw ( I recently spoke with an eye witness in Suchostaw...). Great aunt Dora, who emigrated to Argentina. My great grand mother and great grand father: Feiga Heller Scharf and Mendel Scharf/ And the little girl is Rebeka Braunstein Leistner - my mother !!!! then 4 years old. Who, by the grace of G-D, is still cooking our Shabes meals. Photo was taken in 1912"

2003: Susana adds: the comments above were written in 1999 when her mother was 91 years old. Rebeka Leistner died on June 23 2003, 95 years old and active to the last day. May her soul be bound up in the bond of Eternal Life 


 The photograph was submitted by Susana Leistner Bloch who writes as follows: "Photo of my maternal grandmother's brother, Avrum Scharf. Avrum served in the Austro-Hungarian army during the WW1 . After the war, Poland took over part of Galicia, including Suchostaw. He was shot by the Poles for having fought 'on the other side'......"


 The photograph was submitted by Susana Leistner Bloch who writes as follows: "My mother's brother Hershel Braunstein. Photo taken in Suchostaw. Hershel perished in the Holocaust."

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