Beit Lohamei Haghetaot
Ghetto Fighters' House
Museum of the Holocaust and Resistance
for accessing photographs contained in the archives
- Select a photo number
from the following categories:
- Go to the Ghetto
Fighter's House web site.
- On the right side, click on "Archives."
- Scroll to middle of page and, under "For More Information," click on "To
the Ghetto Fighter's House Archive Website."
- On the Search Page, select the "Basic Search" tab (top) and check the box
for "catalog number," enter the photo number in the "Search
Instructions" box, and click "Search."
- NOTE: Over 4,000 additional photos containing the text
"Lodz" may be found by entering "Lodz" in "Search
by text" box. These additional photos include photos of child
survivors found by the Coordinatsia (the Zionist organization for the
discovery and recovery of Jewish children in Poland who had been placed
with non-Jews during the war).
- On the Search Results Page, click
on the photo catalog number, then on the photo itself for a larger view.
with Yitzhak Katzenelson in Lodz Before World War II
- Photo 18995 The poet Yitzhak
- Photo 18999 Portrait of the poet
Yitzhak Katzenelson in Lodz, 1909
- Photo 19009 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with his son Zvi
- Photo 19010 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson (center) with his two brothers, Berl (right) and Moshe
- Photo 19011 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with his parents and two youngest brothers
- Photo 19014 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson walking through the snow with his son Zvi and Miriam, the daughter
of his brother Berl
- Photo 19018 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with two of his sons, Zvi and Ben Zion
- Photo 19021 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with his son Zvi and his wife Chana's sister
- Photo 19034 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson (right) with his sister Sheindl and her husband
- Photo 19055 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with the artist Shimon Grudzinski and his wife Miriam
- Photo 19056 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with the artist Shimon Grudzinski
- Photo 19057 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with the artist Shimon Grudzinski, his wife Miriam and her
two sisters Hela and Dora
- Photo 19075 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson with the writer Y. D. Berkowitz
- Photo 19078 Dancing at the end
of the performance of a play by the Habima Theater in Lodz, 1938
- Photo 19086 The poet Yitzhak
Katzenelson at a high school graduation party
- Photo 19088 The teacher and poet
Yitzhak Katzenelson with educators and students
- Photo 19090 The teacher and poet
Yitzhak Katzenelson with teachers and students at the school in Lodz
- Photos 19092 and 19093 The poet
and teacher Yitzhak Katzenelson with students and educators
- Photo 19094 Students of the class
of 1918 - 1919 and teachers in P. Katzenelson's school
- Photo 19095 The kindergarten
that was connected to the school of the Katzenelson family
- Photo 19096 Bronia Celnik, the
teaching assistant in the kindergarten beside the school of the Katzenelson
family in Lodz
- Photo 19097 The entrance to the
gymnasia run by the Katzenelson family in Lodz
- Photo 19098 and 19099 Moshe Leib
Chowers' diploma from the Boys' Humanistic Gymnasia in Lodz
- Photo 19100 A scene from a play
performed in the Katzenelson family's school in Lodz
- Photo 19108 The title page of
the Lodz journal "Bleu - Weiss" (blue - white) with a poem by Yitzhak Katzenelson
of Youth Movement Groups in Lodz Before World War II
- Photo 489 HaShomer haTsair youth
- Photo 494 Hachshara Training
Farm (HaShomer haTsair youth group)
- Photo 867 The Freiheit Youth
Movement (keywords: Tuvia Bozokowski, Herschel Springer)
- Photo 868 The Freiheit Youth
- Photo 876 The Freiheit Youth
The Lodz
- Photo 7793 Workers at the telephone
switchboard in the postal department
- Photo 7794 A Jew concealing his
beard with a handkerchief at the entrance to the place were the Jews of
Lodz were assembled prior to their deportation
- Photo 7795 A homemade radio receiver
belonging to the Weksler family in the ghetto
- Photo 7796 Chaim Rumkowski speaking
at a meeting of Resort workers in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7797 Public hanging of
three men in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7798 A man (Yeshaya-Kalman
Weksler) listening to an underground radio
- Photo 7799 A public hanging of
three Jews in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7800 Transport of Jews
from the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7801 An underground radio
receiver made by the Weksler family in the Lodz ghetto
- Photos 7802 through 7804 Deportation
of Jews from the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7806 The front of a destroyed
synagogue in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7807 A five-Mark bill that
was in use inside the ghetto
- Photo 7808 A five-Mark and one-Mark
bill used inside the ghetto
- Photo 7809 Coins that were in
use in the Lodz ghetto and an announcement on religious matters from this
- Photo 7810 The front of a destroyed
synagogue in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7811 Ruins of a destroyed
synagogue in Lodz
- Photos 7812 through 7814 A Jew
in the Lodz ghetto with a yellow badge on chest
- Photo 7815 Jews in the Lodz ghetto.
Two of them have a yellow badge on chests
- Photo 7816 An elderly Jew in
the Lodz ghetto with a yellow badge on his chest
- Photo 7817 Jewish "sanitation
workers" and policemen removing a mentally ill person in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7818 Kagan, director of
the hospital in the Lodz ghetto beside a cage in which they raised rabbits
- Photos 7819 and 7820 Members
of the health department of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7821 A Jewish policeman
and another man riding horses in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7822 A horse in a stable
in the Lodz ghetto
- Photos 7823 through 7825 Jews
pushing carts filled with sacks of potatoes in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7826 Jews collecting potatoes
in a wheelbarrow to send to the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7827 A Jewish worker in
a potato field near Lodz at mealtime
- Photo 7828 A Jewish woman worker
in a potato field near Lodz at mealtime
with Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, Head of the Judenrat of the Lodz Ghetto
- Photo 7829 Mordchaj Chaim Rumkowski,
head of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7830 Chaim Rumkowski, head
of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto, speaking before the Jewish police in
the ghetto
- Photo 7831 A lineup of workers
in the Lodz ghetto before going out to remove snow
- Photo 7832 Rumkowski speaking
at an assembly in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7833 A group photograph
of men and women in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7834 Rumkowski making a
- Photos 7835 and 7836 Mordchaj
Chaim Rumkowski, head of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto, making a speech
- Photo 7837 Mordchaj Chaim Rumkowski,
head of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto, in the company of three women
at a party
- Photo 7838 Rumkowski, the head
of the Jews, sitting beside a table laden with refreshments at a party
in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7839 Rumkowski, the head
of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto, sitting beside a table with refreshments
at a party in the ghetto
- Photo 7840 Rumkowski, the head
of the Jews in the Lodz ghetto, looking at his diary
- Photos 7841 and 7842 A general
assembly in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7843 Rumkowski, the head
of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto, among a Jewish crowd at a general assembly
in a square in the ghetto
- Photo 7844 A party at the Jewish
police headquarters in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7845 A party of the members
of the Jewish police in the Lodz ghetto
- Photos 7846 through 7848 Mordchaj
Chaim Rumkowski, the head of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7849 A wagon laden with
sacks at the entry gate to the ghetto
- Photo 7850 The entrance gate
to the Lodz ghetto
- Photo 7851 Rumkowski, head of
the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto, talking to passersby in the street
- Photo 7852 Rumkowski, head of
the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto, speaking at an assembly
- Photo 7853 A page from the Hebrew
newspaper "Min Hameitsar" (From the Straits), that was written in the Lodz
Lodz Post-World War II
- Photos 16582 through 16584 A
party for Holocaust survivors from Vilnius (Vilna) in Lodz (dated 1946)
- Photo 16586 The executive committee
of the Organization of Former Residents of Vilnius (Vilna) in Poland
- Photo 16598 Dr. A. Leibo welcoming
the actor Avraham Morawski on his arrival in Lodz from the Soviet Union
- Photo 16648 The gate of the Jewish
cemetery in Lodz (dated 1961)
- Photos 16649 and 16650 The first
post - war conference of Jewish teachers in Poland (November 1-4, 1946)
- Photo 16651 The entrance to a
synagogue in Lodz
- Photo 16652 A Jewish visitor
beside the Jewish cemetery in Lodz
- Photo 16653 A tailor shop in
Kibbutz Haoved (a commune) in Lodz
- Photo 16654 A broken into and
abandoned Jewish house in Lodz after the war
- Photo 16655 A Polish woman laden
with things she looted from the abandoned Lodz ghetto
- Photo 16656 A conference in Lodz
during Yitzchak Grunbaum's visit to the city
- Photo 16657 An assembly in Lodz
to mark the second anniversary of the victory over Germany
- Photo 16659 The first conference
of teachers and workers in the Hebrew schools set up by the Hechalutz movement
executive in Poland
- Photo 16660 A Purim party at
a school in Lodz
- Photo 16661 Grade 1 of the Hebrew
school in Lodz named for the ghetto fighters
- Photo 16662 A lesson in the Hebrew
school in Lodz named for the ghetto fighters
- Photo 16663 A young couple in
Lodz reading a notice about a play
- Photos 16664 through 16670
The dismantling of the bridge that connected the two sections of
the Lodz ghetto, after the liberation of the city
- Photo 20157 (keywords: children,
school, Dorka Sternberg-Dram)
Demonstrations and Youth Movements in Lodz Post-World War II
- Photo 16658 Representatives
of the Ha - Shomer ha - Tsair youth movement from Lodz marching in Warsaw
- Photos 16671 through 16677 Jews
in Lodz protesting against the "white paper on Palestine"
- Photo 16678 Jews in Lodz protesting
against the "white paper on Palestine". They are carrying a sign in English:
"The Cry of Six Million Murdered Jews - Palestine"
- Photos 16679 through 16683 Jews
in Lodz protesting against the "white paper on Palestine"
- Photo 16684
A demonstration in Lodz for the establishment of the State of Israel
- Photos 16685 and 16686 A demonstration
in Lodz in condemnation of the "white paper on Palestine"
- Photo 16687 Members of the Akiva
youth movement in Lodz after the war
- Photo 16688 Demonstrators against
the "white paper on Palestine" in Lodz
- Photo 17649 A general assembly
of the members of Kibbutz (training commune) L'ever Hayarden of the Torah
v'Avoda movement in Lodz
- Photo 17650 Doing laundry at
Kibbutz (training commune) L'ever Hayarden of the Torah v'Avoda movement
in Lodz
- Photo 17651 The library at Kibbutz
(training commune) L'ever Hayarden of the Torah v'Avoda movement in Lodz
- Photo 17652 Portraits of rabbis
on the wall of a hall in Kibbutz (training commune) L'ever Hayarden of
the Torah v'Avoda movement in Lodz
- Photo 20907 (keywords: Yitzchak
Zuckerman, et al., messengers, survivors, Lodz)
- Photo 21063 (keywords: Dorka
Sternberg-Bram, et al., Lodz)
- Photo 21065 (keywords: Yitzchak
Zuckerman, et al., Dror Youth Movement, Lodz)
Photo 21072 (keywords: Yitzchak
Zuckerman, et al., Lodz)
Photo 21388 (keywords: Tuvia
Bozykowski, et al., Youth Movement Conference, Lodz)
Photo 21389 (keywords: Yitzchak
Zuckerman, et al., Dror Youth Movement, Lodz)
Homes and Orphanages in Lodz Post-World War II
Photo 14898 Children in a government
orphanage named for Janusz Korczak
Photo 17754 A page from a souvenir
album of the Coordinatsia (the Zionist organization for the discovery and
recovery of Jewish children) in Poland
Photos 17838 and 17839 The dining
room at a children's kibbutz (commune) in Lodz
Photo 17840 A one - time bulletin
of the Zionist Coordinatsia for the recovery of Jewish children, that came
out in Lodz
Photos 17841 through 17844 Children
at the children's home on Piotrkowska Street
Photo 17845 A girl from the children's
home on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz
Photo 17846 Children in the dormitory
at the children's home on Piotrkowska Street
Photo 17847 Children playing
at the children's home on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz
Photo 17848 The counselor and
matron, Hela Lenman, with the youngest child at the children's home on
Piotrkowska Street in Lodz
Photo 17849 Hela Lenman, the
matron of the children's home on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz, with children
Photo 17850 Hela Lenman with
young children at the children's home on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz
Photo 17851 Sara Neshamit (Dusznicka)
with children at the children's home on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz
Photos 17852 and 17853 The counselor
Sara Neshamit (Duznicka), with a little girl called Katz at the children's
home on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz
Photo 17854 The counselor
Sara Neshamit (Duznicka), with Josek Burek, a deaf and dumb boy who was
brought to the children's home in Lodz
Photo 17855 The counselor Sara
Neshamit with young children at the children's home in Lodz
Photos 17856 and 17857 The counselor
Sara Neshamit and the accountant of the children's home in Lodz with the
children in the dining room
Photos 17858 through 17860 The
dining room of the children's home of the Zionist Coordinatsia (for the
recovery of Jewish children) in Lodz
Photo 17861 A Hannukah party
and candle lighting at the children's home of the Zionist Coordinatsia
(for the recovery of Jewish children) in Lodz
Photo 17864 Girls from the "Agudat
Israel" orphanage in Lodz
Photos 17865 and 17866 Sara Szner
(Dusznicka) with children at the children's home on Piotrkowska Street
in Lodz
Photo 17867 The counselor Sara
Neshamit and the girl Josefa at the children's home on Piotrkowska Street
in Lodz the home of the Zionist Coordinatsia (for the recovery of Jewish
children) in Lodz
Photo 17868 A children's home
of the Ha - Shomer ha - Tsair movement in Lodz
Photo 17869 The oldest group
of children in the children's home of the Ha - Shomer ha - Tsair movement
in Lodz
Photos 17875 and 17876 Children
from a children's home in Lodz who moved to Petrolesie in Lower Silesia
The Breicha, Organization for Smuggling Jews from Europe to Palestine, Post-World
War II
Photo 19992 The Breicha operative,
Zeev Shevach, in the area that constituted the Lodz ghetto
Photo 20030
Avraham, a Breicha operative in Lodz
Photo 20055 Yehuda, a courier
in the Breicha station in Lodz (Hamalon [the hotel])
Photos 20074 and 20075 Yehuda
Kupelowicz, a member of the Breicha central committee
Beit Lohamei Haghetaot
D.N Western Galilee, 25220
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Fax: 972-(0)4-9958007
E-mail: Mr. Simcha Stein, Director,
E-mail: Mr. Yossi Shavit, Archives
Director, yshavit@gfh.org.il