Other names: Libatchov, Libechuyv, Liubachev, Lubachov, Lubatchov, Lubichuv
Religious Life
Religion played an important part in the lives of the Lubaczower Jews.
When a Jewish boy was born, on the 8th day he was circumcised by the MOHEL.
Thirteen year old boys passed their BAR MITZVAH, and took on the religious commitments of adults.
Later, young couples were married by the rabbis.
Jewish wives kept KOSHER at home, and the shabat and Jewish holidays were celebrated.
Families attended one of the four local synagogues.
When a Jew died, he was buried according to Jewish custom in the local Jewish cemetery.
Read more about these three aspects of religious life in Lubaczow below:
Fifty years ago
Joshua Heilman has written "Fifty years ago" - remembering the synagogue he and his family attended in Lubaczow, and the final destruction of that synagogue.
Read the two documents I have written about gravestones below: