Photos from Sadgura - 4
Group Photographs
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The Bet Jakov Hebrew School class in Sadagura, circa 1930. Fritzi is the one with the crown on her head in the third row center. To her left is her friend Klara and next to Klara is Bluma also known as Binka Roll who married Muniu Stupp. The picture was taken with the students dressed for a Hebrew School play for a Jewish Holiday. Fritzi was the Sabbath. (Photograph supplied by Fritzi Schiffer, New Jersey, via Saul Zeichner, Barrington, Rhode Island, USA)
The Maccabi, a group in Sadagura, circa 1930. According to Fritzi Brender Schiffer, few of the people in this photo survived the war. Holding the end of flag, is probably Minui Stupp; also holding the flag is Igo Teitler who survived the war and died in Haifa. Also shown, Jacob Vogel and his sisters, Donna Scaffer-Schor, Benjamin Blum, and others. (Photograph supplied by Fritzi Schiffer, New Jersey, via Saul Zeichner, Barrington, Rhode Island, USA) |